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A Baker's Dozen: My 2020 in Review

I'm not sure how many of you are also subscribers to 12in12, but it's a great way to look at your backlog. I typed this up for the sub over there, but I also thought my fellow patient gamers might be interested, so here is my 12 in 12 for 2020!
This year I managed to complete 13 games (and like most of you, what I completed is a mere fraction of what I played), so I guess COVID was good for something! Here's what I finished, and how I felt about it, in no particular order:
  1. Yakuza Kiwami (PC) - Back in 2017 or so I took a gamble on my first Yakuza game, Yakuza Zero, and I loved it so much I swore I would never miss another Yakuza title. Here we are 3 years later and I finally finished... one more of them (I guess that means I'll be playing Like a Dragon in 2040 or so). Man, these games are so good. The characters take themselves so seriously for a game this wacky. How can you not love an RPG that features a TCG wherein bikini models wrestle each other while dressed as sexy insects? The side quests are hilarious and the main quest is interesting enough that I actually remember what happens when it's over! My only complaint with Kiwami was that I felt the chapters are front-loaded with side quests. If you're diligent, you'll be done with most of them by about halfway through the main quest... which makes the last 5 or 6 chapters a terrible slog of nothing but cutscenes and boss fights. And given that most of the "boss" characters have 4-6 health bars, it just becomes tedious. Finally, there is a mechanic where Majima Goro is supposed to jump out and challenge you randomly-- I don't know if this was a bug, but he only challenged me once or twice... until I cleared all the side quests. Then, he attacked me about every 2 or 3 minutes for the rest of the game, and considering Majima is a mini-boss that I'm running into while slogging my way through nothing but bosses and cutscenes... yeah. Kinda rough ending. It didn't sour me on the series though, and I look forward to Kiwami 2 in 2021.
  2. Flashback: The Quest for Identity (Switch) - This game is a deep and intrinsic part of my childhood gaming history, but I didn't see the end until this year: I was nine or ten when I found the Genesis cart in a "$10 and Under" bin at a pawn shop in the mid-90's. Almost my entire NES and Genesis collections were loose carts from pawn shops, bought on box-art alone, "Hello, Ironsword and Demonsword, meet your new orphan brother, Flashback." Since then, I've always been fascinated by Flashback; it was one of the first titles to use rotoscoping, it was developed by a now-defunct studio called Delphine Software, and the licensing rights have been such a confusing mess that the game has long been considered vaporware. So I was a little peeved when I saw that some indie "developer" somewhere had grabbed a ROM of Flashback, cleaned up a few of the more ugly visuals, slapped a "rewind" function into the game and put it up on the eshop for twenty dollars. That, my friends, is FUCKED. They have ZERO rights to that game, because the rights aren't available, because they don't exist anymore. Give the game away? Sure. Sell someone else's decades-old work for TWENTY DOLLARS? Get fucked. Thankfully I noticed it in a sale for like $2 at one point and had enough eshop points to get it for nothing. But on to the game: Flashback: The Quest For Identity is a genesis-era ripoff of Total Recall, and you play as space fugitive Conrad as he attempts to piece together his memories after escaping from alien kidnappers. It's a great little sci-fi romp for its time, but the real joy is in the locations the game takes you, including space stations, jungle planets, and giant dystopian future cities. The gameplay is famously unforgiving, and that little rewind function ended up helping me a LOT in the second half of the game. For a title I started about 30 years ago, it was nice to see the end credits (except the part where the end credits gave ZERO credit to the original developers).
  3. What Remains of Edith Finch (XBox Game Pass) - This one was recommended by my girlfriend, who likes story-based games and puzzle games. Edith Finch is definitely more of the former than the latter, but it does have some entertaining puzzles. For the most part though, this game is a walking simulator that takes you through a few generations of a mentally ill family that lives in a big house on a high hill. Each family member is kinda their own, “level,” and many of them have interesting themes like “Baby in a Bathtub,” or “70’s Pulp Comic Book.” Overall I found the story to be a little melodramatic and wishy washy, but for a video game script it was “great.” You can unlock every achievement in a single playthrough, but it’s gonna take you awhile; there is no “run” function and the walking speed is stuck on molasses.
  4. Death Stranding (Playstation4) - I waited until this game was $20, and it was absolutely worth that price. I assume if you’re on this thread, you know about Death Stranding, so you know most of the time you spend with the game is full of questions: What am I doing? Who is Fragile and why can she teleport? So I’m some kind of ghost mailman? Why is this a video game instead of a movie? How did Hideo Kojima explain this scene to Mads Mikkleson when he made him act in it? Why exactly does Kojima make video games at all? Why is Guillermo Del Toro in this game? What does the plot have to do with the gameplay? Why is the ending 2 hours long? Was that Geoff Keighley? Did they make that poor girl pronounce english phonetically because she can’t speak it? A lot of the systems like shared travel networks, delivery points, etc. actually worked extremely well in this game. But in the end it became a third-person stealth/shooter like most of the other action Kojima has made. I know a lot of people complain that Kojima’s stories are too confusing, and I understand that complaint and overall I agree, but my bigger problem isn’t that the plots are complex and obtuse; with Death Stranding, my issue is that the plot doesn’t actually connect to the gameplay in any meaningful way; yes, you are delivering the next “network node” or whatever in your deliveries, but basically you are just walking from cutscene to cutscene… the first is gameplay, the second is plot, and they don’t really overlap.
  5. Carrion (Xbox Game Pass) - Oh, what a delight Carrion turned out to be. This was one of two games that caught my eye in the always-bizarre Devolver Digital video they did this summer for virtual E3 (the other being Fall Guys). Carrion is a simple game with a simple premise: It’s a monster movie, and you are the monster. You slide your disgusting, amorphous shape into vents and tubes and use your terrible array of teeth and tentacles to lay waste to the scientists and laboratory that spawned your gruesome form. The 2D graphics reminded me of SNES/ Genesis era games like Jurassic Park and, yes, Flashback: The Quest for Identity. With delightful references to movies like Alien and The Thing, Carrion was what more games should aspire to be: a simple concept, done well. I really hope we get a sequel!
  6. Shadow of the Colossus (Playstation4) - Not my first time with this title. I love Shadow of The Colossus, and I’ve played each release since the original PS2 game. I feel like if I have to tell you what this game is at this point, you’re probably on the wrong sub. The PS4 remake was pretty fun, and while it looked lovely and controlled better… there is still something about those games that makes the controls infuriating. I rage-quit the final boss and didn’t pick it up until weeks later… actually I did that a few times. I’m not just talking about SoTC here though, which brings me to…
  7. The Last Guardian (Playstation4) - I bought this game at launch, played maybe the first half of it, and got distracted by Final Fantasy XV. For whatever reason, I never went back until this year. I actually played this before Colossus, which I only played because they gave it to us for PS+. The Last Guardian is another story about a boy without a name, who is all alone in a big spooky deserted fantasy world. Except not TOTALLY alone, you’ve got a big dragon dog friend thing to help you! This game is all about your relationship with Trico, the titular dragon-dog. You guide him through puzzles and over obstacles, use him to destroy your foes (your character cannot attack on their own, so you have to rely on Trico to save you in a few tense moments), and feed him magical blue barrels that apparently make him like you more or something. Just like Colossus, the controls in Last Guardian will drive you right up the fucking wall. There are thousands of youtube videos of Trico doing LITERALLY ANYTHING except what you asked him to do. But when the game is working, it actually manages to tug on your heartstrings a bit. The end is sad like all the Team ICO games, but it’s a nice payoff. Still not sure why it was in development for like seven years though…
  8. Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation4) - I’m telling you guys, the best way to play Playstation exclusives is 2 years later for $20. Picked this one up in a sale and it sat on my hard drive for a couple months before I got bored and fired this up. What can I really say that hasn’t been said? SONY makes slick, polished, AAA exclusives, and this is that. The core premise is neat, but the plot is EXACTLY what you expect it to be, and the twists and turns are as predictable as any high-budget movie or game these days. The combat can be fun, but the world is actually overpacked in terms of enemies: If you engage that Thunderjaw, you will absolutely aggro every single animal within a thousand foot radius, and when you’re done there will be 70 dead robots around you. I’ve got two beefs with this game. Beef #1 is that the objects and animals have lazy, uninspired names. Like, zero effort there. You know what you make ice arrows with? “Chillwater.” Hey, what’s that really tall thing over there with the long neck? “Tallneck.” Wow, look at that alligator snap his big maw! “Actually, that’s a Snapmaw.” Alligator is a more interesting word. Like yeah, we have animals called woodpeckers, but we came up with NAMES for animals, like bison, giraffe, ostrich. Split the difference here guys, put in a little effort. Beef #2 is a little tougher to explain, so I’m gonna try and tiptoe through this minefield here… Why do “gamers” (as in the stereotype of the greasy, basement-dwelling, no-girls-allowed neckbeards) like this game? Shouldn’t it be a laundry list of things they hate? It’s got dumb collection quests and map-tower-climbing. It’s got a cast of mostly unforgettable characters. In fact, besides Sylens I can only remember one other name, and that’s Aloy. And speaking of Aloy... she’s a strong woman who doesn’t need anyone to tell her what to do. She actively rebuffs any romantic attempts and rolls her eyes at even mundane compliments. Doesn’t Aloy perfectly encapsulate the positive feminism that is supposedly “destroying gaming culture?” Shouldn’t “gamers” have boycotted this game or demanded a reskin? Why wasn’t hashtag, “GiveUsManAloy” (or “Maloy”) trending? Is this all it takes to reverse the vile spew? Some robot dinosaurs and an “exclusive” sticker? I guess I’m just confused as to where the lines are drawn here. I thought she was a great protagonist but I just kept thinking, “shouldn’t the internet hate her?” Horizon is GORGEOUS, and I really loved a lot of the different areas of the game, and having lived in Colorado for 15 years made the world an extra special treat. It’s eye candy pretty much the entire time, but I need to give a special shoutout to Meridian and the surrounding areas. Something about the design called up images of ancient Egypt for me… so much so that I ended up buying and completing Assassin’s Creed: Origins in 2019 before doubling back to wrap up Horizon in early 2020.
  9. Pokemon Moon (3DS) - I’ve been playing video games since around ‘88 or ‘89, but I didn’t play my first Pokemon game until 2016, when I picked up Pokemon Y on a whim. I thought it looked like a simple, casual JRPG that I could wander around collecting and slowly moving through while I did other things like laundry or binge-watching Red Dwarf. Y did exactly that, and Pokemon Moon is more of the same. It’s simple, it’s cute, it’s fun, it’s easy, and I totally get why you can just keep playing them. The monster catch/ battle/ evolve/ collect element has a real hook. I’ve started a playthrough of Omega Ruby, but haven’t finished it yet (and to be honest it’s been more than 6 months since I played). Now that I think about it, I especially loved Pokemon when traveling, and I played almost all of Y and Moon on airplanes or in airports and hotels. Maybe if we ever go back to normal, I’ll mention Omega Ruby in a future 12 in 12. Final Team: Incineroar, Raichu, Fearow, Mudsdale, Lunala, Lapras
  10. Untitled Goose Game (Xbox Game Pass) - We all know Untitled Goose Game. I thought it was very fun, very charming, and easy to play. It’s a delightful game that will only take you a couple of sittings, and it sticks with you after you put it down. Just like Carrion, more games should aspire to this level of polished simplicity.
  11. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PC) - I know I’m late to the party, but this game was FANTASTIC. I played it fairly early in the year, January-February, and as soon as I started it I was hooked until I finished it. I loved the… it’s not quite Metroidvania (which I have always considered to be a combination of upgrading/ unlocking abilities and backtracking to previous areas to use those abilities… Carrion does this really well), but more like… Puzzlevania? I really liked the whole gathering keys to new areas and then carrying items back and forth between them. I only played Leon’s storyline, so I might pick up Claire next month and do an anniversary replay! Fun Fact: I played the SHIT out of the original Resident Evil 2 on PS1, which I acquired in the most 90’s middle-school way ever: A kid gave it to me in exchange for a VHS of pornography taped off stolen pay-per-view.
  12. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Xbox Game Pass) - This one was really nice. Hellblade is a very emotional game about love, loss, and the people that live inside our heads. It’s told in a very compelling way, couching parables about guilt and grief within the stories of Norse mythology; very similar to themes explored in God of War (which I didn’t quite finish and will talk about next year). There isn’t much here in terms of groundbreaking gameplay; it treads the very familiar paths of puzzles, secrets, and combat. Levels are fairly linear, but you’ll have to do a bit of poking around in corners to get every single story beat and lore note. This is one of those games that really highlights the value of Game Pass: I never would have paid for this game, but I’m glad I got to play it and I’m keeping my eye on the sequel.
  13. Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) -- This one is cheating, but technically I did see the credits, and I’ve been playing it every goddamn day since launch like it’s a new job. I like it! I don’t like the focus on crafting. I wish there were more things to collect for the museum, and I wish it had some of the functions the old game had (remember when you could play Excitebike in Animal Crossing?), but I keep logging in! I think the game’s longevity is tied to friends a bit… My girlfriend plays Animal Crossing with me, and so do her parents. So does my brother, and his wife, and a few other friends. You wouldn’t think that the multiplayer would hold so much attention, especially given that there’s very few ways to actually interact with other players… but I keep logging in! I guess that means it’s fun… right?
And that’s my Baker’s Dozen! Let me know if you agree or disagree!
submitted by CaptConstantine to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Baker's Dozen: My First 12in1 2 Report Card

Long time listener, first time caller! It's the end of the year, and I'm pulling together my 12 in 12! This year I managed to complete 13 games (and like most of you, what I completed is a mere fraction of what I played), so I guess COVID was good for something! Here's what I finished, and how I felt about it, in no particular order:
  1. Yakuza Kiwami (PC) - Back in 2017 or so I took a gamble on my first Yakuza game, Yakuza Zero, and I loved it so much I swore I would never miss another Yakuza title. Here we are 3 years later and I finally finished... one more of them (I guess that means I'll be playing Like a Dragon in 2040 or so). Man, these games are so good. The characters take themselves so seriously for a game this wacky. How can you not love an RPG that features a TCG wherein bikini models wrestle each other while dressed as sexy insects? The side quests are hilarious and the main quest is interesting enough that I actually remember what happens when it's over! My only complaint with Kiwami was that I felt the chapters are front-loaded with side quests. If you're diligent, you'll be done with most of them by about halfway through the main quest... which makes the last 5 or 6 chapters a terrible slog of nothing but cutscenes and boss fights. And given that most of the "boss" characters have 4-6 health bars, it just becomes tedious. Finally, there is a mechanic where Majima Goro is supposed to jump out and challenge you randomly-- I don't know if this was a bug, but he only challenged me once or twice... until I cleared all the side quests. Then, he attacked me about every 2 or 3 minutes for the rest of the game, and considering Majima is a mini-boss that I'm running into while slogging my way through nothing but bosses and cutscenes... yeah. Kinda rough ending. It didn't sour me on the series though, and I look forward to Kiwami 2 in 2021.
  2. Flashback: The Quest for Identity (Switch) - This game is a deep and intrinsic part of my childhood gaming history, but I didn't see the end until this year: I was nine or ten when I found the Genesis cart in a "$10 and Under" bin at a pawn shop in the mid-90's. Almost my entire NES and Genesis collections were loose carts from pawn shops, bought on box-art alone, "Hello, Ironsword and Demonsword, meet your new orphan brother, Flashback." Since then, I've always been fascinated by Flashback; it was one of the first titles to use rotoscoping, it was developed by a now-defunct studio called Delphine Software, and the licensing rights have been such a confusing mess that the game has long been considered vaporware. So I was a little peeved when I saw that some indie "developer" somewhere had grabbed a ROM of Flashback, cleaned up a few of the more ugly visuals, slapped a "rewind" function into the game and put it up on the eshop for twenty dollars. That, my friends, is FUCKED. They have ZERO rights to that game, because the rights aren't available, because they don't exist anymore. Give the game away? Sure. Sell someone else's decades-old work for TWENTY DOLLARS? Get fucked. Thankfully I noticed it in a sale for like $2 at one point and had enough eshop points to get it for nothing. But on to the game: Flashback: The Quest For Identity is a genesis-era ripoff of Total Recall, and you play as space fugitive Conrad as he attempts to piece together his memories after escaping from alien kidnappers. It's a great little sci-fi romp for its time, but the real joy is in the locations the game takes you, including space stations, jungle planets, and giant dystopian future cities. The gameplay is famously unforgiving, and that little rewind function ended up helping me a LOT in the second half of the game. For a title I started about 30 years ago, it was nice to see the end credits (except the part where the end credits gave ZERO credit to the original developers).
  3. What Remains of Edith Finch (XBox Game Pass) - This one was recommended by my girlfriend, who likes story-based games and puzzle games. Edith Finch is definitely more of the former than the latter, but it does have some entertaining puzzles. For the most part though, this game is a walking simulator that takes you through a few generations of a mentally ill family that lives in a big house on a high hill. Each family member is kinda their own, “level,” and many of them have interesting themes like “Baby in a Bathtub,” or “70’s Pulp Comic Book.” Overall I found the story to be a little melodramatic and wishy washy, but for a video game script it was “great.” You can unlock every achievement in a single playthrough, but it’s gonna take you awhile; there is no “run” function and the walking speed is stuck on molasses.
  4. Death Stranding (Playstation4) - I waited until this game was $20, and it was absolutely worth that price. I assume if you’re on this thread, you know about Death Stranding, so you know most of the time you spend with the game is full of questions: What am I doing? Who is Fragile and why can she teleport? So I’m some kind of ghost mailman? Why is this a video game instead of a movie? How did Hideo Kojima explain this scene to Mads Mikkleson when he made him act in it? Why exactly does Kojima make video games at all? Why is Guillermo Del Toro in this game? What does the plot have to do with the gameplay? Why is the ending 2 hours long? Was that Geoff Keighley? Did they make that poor girl pronounce english phonetically because she can’t speak it? A lot of the systems like shared travel networks, delivery points, etc. actually worked extremely well in this game. But in the end it became a third-person stealth/shooter like most of the other action Kojima has made. I know a lot of people complain that Kojima’s stories are too confusing, and I understand that complaint and overall I agree, but my bigger problem isn’t that the plots are complex and obtuse; with Death Stranding, my issue is that the plot doesn’t actually connect to the gameplay in any meaningful way; yes, you are delivering the next “network node” or whatever in your deliveries, but basically you are just walking from cutscene to cutscene… the first is gameplay, the second is plot, and they don’t really overlap.
  5. Carrion (Xbox Game Pass) - Oh, what a delight Carrion turned out to be. This was one of two games that caught my eye in the always-bizarre Devolver Digital video they did this summer for virtual E3 (the other being Fall Guys). Carrion is a simple game with a simple premise: It’s a monster movie, and you are the monster. You slide your disgusting, amorphous shape into vents and tubes and use your terrible array of teeth and tentacles to lay waste to the scientists and laboratory that spawned your gruesome form. The 2D graphics reminded me of SNES/ Genesis era games like Jurassic Park and, yes, Flashback: The Quest for Identity. With delightful references to movies like Alien and The Thing, Carrion was what more games should aspire to be: a simple concept, done well. I really hope we get a sequel!
  6. Shadow of the Colossus (Playstation4) - Not my first time with this title. I love Shadow of The Colossus, and I’ve played each release since the original PS2 game. I feel like if I have to tell you what this game is at this point, you’re probably on the wrong sub. The PS4 remake was pretty fun, and while it looked lovely and controlled better… there is still something about those games that makes the controls infuriating. I rage-quit the final boss and didn’t pick it up until weeks later… actually I did that a few times. I’m not just talking about SoTC here though, which brings me to…
  7. The Last Guardian (Playstation4) - I bought this game at launch, played maybe the first half of it, and got distracted by Final Fantasy XV. For whatever reason, I never went back until this year. I actually played this before Colossus, which I only played because they gave it to us for PS+. The Last Guardian is another story about a boy without a name, who is all alone in a big spooky deserted fantasy world. Except not TOTALLY alone, you’ve got a big dragon dog friend thing to help you! This game is all about your relationship with Trico, the titular dragon-dog. You guide him through puzzles and over obstacles, use him to destroy your foes (your character cannot attack on their own, so you have to rely on Trico to save you in a few tense moments), and feed him magical blue barrels that apparently make him like you more or something. Just like Colossus, the controls in Last Guardian will drive you right up the fucking wall. There are thousands of youtube videos of Trico doing LITERALLY ANYTHING except what you asked him to do. But when the game is working, it actually manages to tug on your heartstrings a bit. The end is sad like all the Team ICO games, but it’s a nice payoff. Still not sure why it was in development for like seven years though…
  8. Horizon: Zero Dawn (Playstation4) - I’m telling you guys, the best way to play Playstation exclusives is 2 years later for $20. Picked this one up in a sale and it sat on my hard drive for a couple months before I got bored and fired this up. What can I really say that hasn’t been said? SONY makes slick, polished, AAA exclusives, and this is that. The core premise is neat, but the plot is EXACTLY what you expect it to be, and the twists and turns are as predictable as any high-budget movie or game these days. The combat can be fun, but the world is actually overpacked in terms of enemies: If you engage that Thunderjaw, you will absolutely aggro every single animal within a thousand foot radius, and when you’re done there will be 70 dead robots around you.I’ve got two beefs with this game. Beef #1 is that the objects and animals have lazy, uninspired names. Like, zero effort there. You know what you make ice arrows with? “Chillwater.” Hey, what’s that really tall thing over there with the long neck? “Tallneck.” Wow, look at that alligator snap his big maw! “Actually, that’s a Snapmaw.” Alligator is a more interesting word. Like yeah, we have animals called woodpeckers, but we came up with NAMES for animals, like bison, giraffe, ostrich. Split the difference here guys, put in a little effort. Beef #2 is a little tougher to explain, so I’m gonna try and tiptoe through this minefield here… Why do “gamers” (as in the stereotype of the greasy, basement-dwelling, no-girls-allowed neckbeards) like this game? Shouldn’t it be a laundry list of things they hate? It’s got dumb collection quests and map-tower-climbing. It’s got a cast of mostly unforgettable characters. In fact, besides Sylens I can only remember one other name, and that’s Aloy. And speaking of Aloy... she’s a strong woman who doesn’t need anyone to tell her what to do. She actively rebuffs any romantic attempts and rolls her eyes at even mundane compliments. Doesn’t Aloy perfectly encapsulate the positive feminism that is supposedly “destroying gaming culture?” Shouldn’t “gamers” have boycotted this game or demanded a reskin? Why wasn’t hashtag, “GiveUsManAloy” (or “Maloy”) trending? Is this all it takes to reverse the vile spew? Some robot dinosaurs and an “exclusive” sticker? I guess I’m just confused as to where the lines are drawn here. I thought she was a great protagonist but I just kept thinking, “shouldn’t the internet hate her?” Horizon is GORGEOUS, and I really loved a lot of the different areas of the game, and having lived in Colorado for 15 years made the world an extra special treat. It’s eye candy pretty much the entire time, but I need to give a special shoutout to Meridian and the surrounding areas. Something about the design called up images of ancient Egypt for me… so much so that I ended up buying and completing Assassin’s Creed: Origins in 2019 before doubling back to wrap up Horizon in early 2020.
  9. Pokemon Moon (3DS) - I’ve been playing video games since around ‘88 or ‘89, but I didn’t play my first Pokemon game until 2016, when I picked up Pokemon Y on a whim. I thought it looked like a simple, casual JRPG that I could wander around collecting and slowly moving through while I did other things like laundry or binge-watching Red Dwarf. Y did exactly that, and Pokemon Moon is more of the same. It’s simple, it’s cute, it’s fun, it’s easy, and I totally get why you can just keep playing them. The monster catch/ battle/ evolve/ collect element has a real hook. I’ve started a playthrough of Omega Ruby, but haven’t finished it yet (and to be honest it’s been more than 6 months since I played). Now that I think about it, I especially loved Pokemon when traveling, and I played almost all of Y and Moon on airplanes or in airports and hotels. Maybe if we ever go back to normal, I’ll mention Omega Ruby in a future 12 in 12. Final Team: Incineroar, Raichu, Fearow, Mudsdale, Lunala, Lapras
  10. Untitled Goose Game (Xbox Game Pass) - We all know Untitled Goose Game. I thought it was very fun, very charming, and easy to play. It’s a delightful game that will only take you a couple of sittings, and it sticks with you after you put it down. Just like Carrion, more games should aspire to this level of polished simplicity.
  11. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PC) - I know I’m late to the party, but this game was FANTASTIC. I played it fairly early in the year, January-February, and as soon as I started it I was hooked until I finished it. I loved the… it’s not quite Metroidvania (which I have always considered to be a combination of upgrading/ unlocking abilities and backtracking to previous areas to use those abilities… Carrion does this really well), but more like… Puzzlevania? I really liked the whole gathering keys to new areas and then carrying items back and forth between them. I only played Leon’s storyline, so I might pick up Claire next month and do an anniversary replay! Fun Fact: I played the SHIT out of the original Resident Evil 2 on PS1, which I acquired in the most 90’s middle-school way ever: A kid gave it to me in exchange for a VHS of pornography taped off stolen pay-per-view.
  12. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (Xbox Game Pass) - This one was really nice. Hellblade is a very emotional game about love, loss, and the people that live inside our heads. It’s told in a very compelling way, couching parables about guilt and grief within the stories of Norse mythology; very similar to themes explored in God of War (which I didn’t quite finish and will talk about next year). There isn’t much here in terms of groundbreaking gameplay; it treads the very familiar paths of puzzles, secrets, and combat. Levels are fairly linear, but you’ll have to do a bit of poking around in corners to get every single story beat and lore note. This is one of those games that really highlights the value of Game Pass: I never would have paid for this game, but I’m glad I got to play it and I’m keeping my eye on the sequel.
  13. Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) -- This one is cheating, but technically I did see the credits, and I’ve been playing it every goddamn day since launch like it’s a new job. I like it! I don’t like the focus on crafting. I wish there were more things to collect for the museum, and I wish it had some of the functions the old game had (remember when you could play Excitebike in Animal Crossing?), but I keep logging in! I think the game’s longevity is tied to friends a bit… My girlfriend plays Animal Crossing with me, and so do her parents. So does my brother, and his wife, and a few other friends. You wouldn’t think that the multiplayer would hold so much attention, especially given that there’s very few ways to actually interact with other players… but I keep logging in! I guess that means it’s fun… right?
And that’s my Baker’s Dozen!
submitted by CaptConstantine to 12in12 [link] [comments]

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Yakuza 0 didn't have these, so if you wanted to beat the gambling minigames, you had to do them legit. Apparently not so in Kiwami. Items for all four casino games, all four Japanese gambling games, shogi, and mahjong exist in the game. Yakuza Kiwami 2. All Discussions I have had to play for like 40 minutes to win 1000 chips to satisfy Harukas gambling needs. #1. Johnnius. May 26, 2019 @ 4:38am Poker is really easy Showdowns in Yakuza follow a certain kind of logic that's less random than real poker. How to Get Money Fast in Yakuza Kiwami. Like in most Yakuza games, money (or Yen) is going to be critically important for you in Yakuza Kiwami. You’ll need it to play minigames like the hostess Re: Yakuza Kiwami 2 Trainer +24 by FLiNG Post by kyoukyubi » Mon May 13, 2019 7:42 am If I recall from previous games, it makes it so with completion list items with multiple tiers, such as defeating 50/100 enemies with a weapon, all tiers are completed as soon as one point is gained towards it. Our Yakuza Kiwami Trainer is now available for version 05.13.2019 and supports WINDOWS STORE. Our Yakuza Kiwami message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats. These Yakuza Kiwami cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. Options Edit Battle Points Edit Casino Chips Edit Completion Points Edit Money Fill Heat Gauge No Reload Reset and Freeze Arena Timer Super Add XP Super Damage Unlimited Dash Unlimited Gun Durability Unlimited Melee Weapon Durability Unlimited Player Health For Yakuza Kiwami on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How to use the gambling "cheat" items?". Our Yakuza Kiwami Trainer is now available for version 05.13.2019 and supports WINDOWS STORE. Our Yakuza Kiwami message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.

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Totally Not Mark - YouTube

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yakuza kiwami gambling cheats

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